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Know about Current Car Rebates and Incentives

26/01/2011 16:54

First of all I want to point the difference between those two terms.

What are  current car rebates and which is the difference between them and the car buying incentives?
The firs very simple difference may be explained in the terms of public and private. You’ll find the info about  rebates on billboards, commercials and even directly form the dealer. It’s a well known fact you will discover as you enter the door in a showroom. On the other hand, the   info about a car buying incentives is more hard to obtain.  The dealer wants to keep its commission, in fact it is a commission, and , if you are a good negotiator he will give you a part of it. Current car rebates incentives can run anywhere from $500 to $6,000. He won’t mention anything about the car incentive, because he knows that the buyer wouldn’t want to split it if he had found out about it. He would like a discount equal to this commission. So why should he make me such a favor? Maybe without this commission he is not interested in selling anymore.This two forms of new car discount , Car Incentives and Rebates, are the most met in automotive industry during new car search to buy.

Should we buy a manufacture’s rebate?
Manufacturer's current car rebates are usually handed out in lieu of low interest financing. So all you have to do is calculation. You earn some money now but your rates would be increased.  This situation can be put in a balance with mathematical help . The answer is not the same , it differs from one situation to another.

Nowadays, the pressure to sell cars rising is so high for both dealers and manufacturers  that  you see less and less of the factory incentives and more customer incentives and rebates. However, all you have to do is to make a great research and find out if the buying new cars you are interested in is on the chopping block.  If coupled with a customer rebate you’ll get an excellent price and save a lot of money.


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